Niteo Africa: From Karine's Heart
Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Thursday, March 20, 2008

From Karine's Heart

Africa captures me.  It's the curly lashes on the baby's eyes, the sun on their skin, the brightness of their colours, the warmth of their greeting.  The people draw me in.

As I am drawn in, I am more and more fueled to invest for the future.

Today, we are off to look at more sites for the resource center.  We have diligently investigated every possibility, discussed ad nauseum the pros and cons of so many scenarios, and interviewed so many Africans who have generously helped us process.  Today we will look at more options and hopefully make a final decision.  

God is good.  

We have many options.  We have many friends.

We just keep laughing at how serious we are and how every conversation just keeps moving to topics that are deep and global and philosophical...hahaha...we would wear most of you out...LOL!

But, it is good.

Lots of love,

1 comment:

Verna said...

Dear Donna, Karine and Angela -- It has been so wonderful to read your positive and exciting messages. I think I have finally found out how to respond on this blog so just want to say thank you for the updates and for all your hard work there. I am a little envious, of course, as part of me really wants to be there also to relive some of last summer's great African experiences. But, we'll share in all your stories on your return. Please know you are in my prayers daily for your care and safety and that God would shower you with His guidance and blessing as you make some final decisions. It is Good Friday as I write this so I want to send you my warmest wishes for a truly special Easter as you celebrate our Beautiful Savior's resurrection of Sunday with His children in Uganda. God be with you. Love, Verna.