Niteo Africa: In the quiet...
Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Friday, March 28, 2008

In the quiet...

Dear Friends of Niteo,

The quiet of my home sweet home covers me like a comfy blanket.  We started on our journey home on Tuesday evening (PST) and I have just now arrived on Friday evening at around 10pm. Donna and Angela are still en route, but I trust that they will be home in mere moments.

Of course, my mind is FILLED with Africa.  I consciously have set aside the tasks, but as I unwrap the candlesticks for my mantle, I cannot help but be drawn back to the sights, smells, and experiences of Africa.

I am deeply committed to OUR work there!

I think what is remarkable to me, is how much it is OUR work!  The NITEO team has been forged over the last two weeks.  There are so many partners reading the blog, posting encouragements, and emailing us!  THANKS!  Immediately, upon arrival we get voicemail updating us on the container that represents gift upon gift.  We have delightful partners in UG!  We are happy to have emails waiting from them already...greeting us at home...drawing us back.  It truly is OUR work...this community...our friends and families...our churches, schools, and businesses...our African friends.  Together we CAN change the world...I believe in God's heart of justice!

Please know that the NITEO team needs to rest now for at least a week.  We need to connect with our families, regroup, and take care of ourselves.  We have some business to attend to urgently and we need some more time to debrief.

We CAN'T WAIT to see each and every one of you!  We look forward to telling our stories...stories of faith and hope.  We will continue to blog.  We are excited to post the pictures of the center facility.  So, the trip is not over...the journey is just beginning.  

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step,"  reminds Sam Turya of Kabojja Senior Secondary.

Lots of love,

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