Niteo Africa: Generosity of strangers...people ARE good!
Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Monday, May 26, 2008

Generosity of strangers...people ARE good!


For the second time in as many weeks I have had items delivered to my home from many miles away. The items came from a generous group of individuals, led by a woman named Cathy, who work together at a dental office in Surrey, British Columbia. I do not know these individuals. They heard about our work, and wanted to get involved in some way.

From softballs, latex gloves, bundles of gauze to dental floss, they have gathered gifts to share with the children we are so committed to. I want to acknowledge their willingness to mobilize themselves and make a difference.

Dr. Duke, Cathy and the rest of the dental office staff… many thanks to you, the children of Uganda will be blessed by these gifts.

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