Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Marissa (on the left) was the energetic 12 year old girl who followed her heart in wanting to make a difference in children's lives in Uganda Africa.  With Fat Cat Festival enthusiasm Marissa and her friends had their faces painted and faced the crowds with never ending smiles.

Personally initiating, communicating with Fat Cat Festival Staff, creating  teams and being there for set up, follow through, and clean up, Marissa helped create exposure and awareness of the work of Niteo to the community of Kelowna.

With simplicity and enthusiasm Marissa was able to communicate her belief that education can help break the cycle of poverty in the lives of children in Africa and that everyone can help make that happen.

Thank you to Marissa and her family and friends for helping make it a great weekend.
Despite cold winds, a little rain there were many smiles and many people stopping, asking questions and showing interest.

You are an inspiration Marissa!!!!!!

Keep following your heart and you will make a huge difference in our world.
Thank you for how you encouraged my heart these last couple of days.

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