Niteo Africa: Teaching Together
Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Friday, July 18, 2008

Teaching Together

I wish you could have seen the professional learning community that spanned the was born yesterday.  There were teachers, both Ugandan and Canadian, sitting & discussing in small groups every issue of education from the definition of "learning" to discipline strategies for hours.  They were animated and and engaged.  They immediately loved and respected each other.  They added value to each other's lives and the Ugandan educators gave SO generously of their time to connect with us...strangers...but, now friends!  They are SUCH a delightful, warm, and devoted people.  

I wish you could have seen.

I wish I would have thought to take a picture.

I will though.

Consider this, I asked the Professor, at the last minute, to come and address the teachers who had already been dismissed about 10 min earlier at 7:30pm after teaching and collaborating all day.  He came up and they were all so enthralled in discussion that he chose not to disturb their excellent and empowering work.  

"Fruition", a synonym of our Latin name NITEO is what I think of when I think of the teachers yesterday.  For me, it is the fruition of almost two years of studying both the Ugandan educational system, and researching through my graduate program how to support, encourage, and build up professional educators.

I would venture to say that...

We are all learning and growing through this journey.  I had one teacher exclaim last night, "I could leave tomorrow, after two days in Uganda and feel like it was completely worth it and totally effective."  That was high praise.

Hugs to you all!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Congratulations Karine and Donna,

I can only imagine the thrill and full heart you are experiencing these weeks.

Continued blessings to you all.

love Angela