Niteo Africa: The Mystery of Community
Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Mystery of Community

As a team, over breakfast, we discussed the following quote from Paulo Freire, "True generosity lies in striving so that these hands--whether of individuals or entire peoples--need be extended less and less in supplication, so that more and more they become human hands which work and, in working, transform the world."

What is generosity?

Today we will visit the school Living Hope, where the majority of the students are orphans and they all live in the a part of town that is congested, underdeveloped, and dirty. We will visit Sanyu where 45 babies ages 0-3 live. The children are abandoned and often ill and/or developmentally delayed. Then, it is off to King's Daughters where the approx. 25 young women who have come off the streets are being taught vocational skills and educated.

So, it is a viscerally stimulating day to ask "What does generosity look like?"

And, what if the answer is simpler, yet bigger, than what we currently imagine?

For me, the most beautiful gift one can give is the their active, open presence. What if our presence together, here in Africa is part of the answer...making the world smaller and more intimate?

The surreal and mysterious quality of creating community.

It was a delight to see how community can happen between strangers on an airplane, across cultures in an airport, amongst friends on a team, and across cultures...

77 children visited the Centre yesterday...there was something profound about being together with them.

The mystery of community...

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