Niteo Africa: On Generosity and Greed
Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Thursday, April 8, 2010

On Generosity and Greed

I was reading Tricycle, the Buddhist review, and I came across a great article and a series of quotes about generosity and greed. Are these not the two opposing forces that are at the core of most of the world's woes?

Generosity does not need to be monetary and in actual fact we have many examples of how money and stuff do not serve those who most need it.

How are you generous? With your affection? Your time? Your kind words? Your service?

Generosity does not need to be big. It just needs to be done with a pure heart.

"When you are practising generosity, you should feel a little pinch when you give something away. That pinch is your stinginess protesting. If you give away your old, worn-out coat that you wouldn't be caught dead wearing, that is not generosity. There is no pinch. You are doing nothing to overcome your stinginess; you're just cleaning out your closet and calling it something else."
- Gelek Rinpoche - Tibetan Buddhist Lama

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