Niteo Africa: On recent events in Kampala
Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Monday, July 12, 2010

On recent events in Kampala

Karine and Erika have asked that I post this, a copy of an email sent earlier, to reassure friends, family and followers of Niteo.

As you may or may not be aware, last night saw two bombs go off in the centre of Kampala, Uganda. Reports are conflicting but there are estimates of between 20 and 40 dead. Both bombs occured as crowds gathered to watch the World Cup Finale.

When I called Erika this morning, it was the first that anyone at the Resource Centre had heard of the bombings. They were all very surprised and my call instituted a flurry of internet checking for news. Needless to say, no one in the Niteo family was in any way harmed by these acts.

The safety of the team is our first concern, always. Karine and Erika will gather all the information they can to make the best decisions, but at this stage there are no plans to re-arrange their scheduled work.

The resource centre is in Ntinda, and all is well. They can hear the birds singing, children are laughing as they go to school, and the community is waking up to a normal day. Ntinda is far from the centre of Kampala (it's a suburb/regional district, like Langley to Vancouver) and so no one heard anything. They are safe and well and life is going on peacefully for them all.

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