Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Thursday, March 13, 2008


there is always a certain adventure and uncertainty with travel.....
will you make the flights, will the luggage go through, will security give you a hard time, will you loose your passports.....
things that might happen internationally, right?
We barely made it to Vancouver and boy do I feel silly.
In our excitement to get going, Donna and I grab our boarding passes, go through and head off to the plane.
But, we somehow missed the exit to the plane and ended up back in the terminal.
Desiring to hide my "faux pas" as quickly as possible, I stop, turn around and try to head back up the ramp back to the proper exit.
Unfortunately I set off the alarm (which went on longer than necessary in my opinion), and the security dude tells me I have to go through the terminal and check in all over again.  To make matters worse I hear over the speakers about some chick coming through with a back pack who is breaking the rules....(okay they said it different than that, but I did feel like everyone stopped to turn and look at me).
Rushing through the security clearance for the second time I find out I shouldn't have passed the "packing rules" the first time and have to spend some more time correcting my mistake.
The one saving grace was that as I turn around another colleague of mine (who I will just call, Donna) was right behind me.
Being told to hurry (as if I need reminding) we climb up the steps to have all knowing eyes in the very full plane looking at us, thankfully with humor.
Special thanks to Air Canada Jazz for their gracious acceptance and comments that "oh, lots of people make this mistake" and Karine, for holding the plane commenting over and over again,  "really this must be my mistake, am I on the right plane?, this so isn't like Donna and Angela to do this."
The many workers at the Kelowna Airport have thanked us for the entertainment and provided extra good wishes in actually making it to Africa.

Smiles and laughs from the Vancouver Airport.


bmerrifield said...

Oh you ladies, you can hardly get out of will you get out of Africa!! I will have to increase my praying for you. Miss you already!
Luv ya, DAD

Unknown said...

So funny. You will remember me telling you of a missionary doctor telling on herself as to a similar embarrassing situation that the Lord looks after "fools and drunks". Not to say you were either. I don't know why it was of such an encouragement to me at the time, listing of the many ways God was working among his people in big and also in the seemingly ordinary. Here is to praying that the Lord will continue to look after fools and drunks and include three dames from BC. May his Spirit guard and keep you safe and may your encounters in seemingly problematic situations be lubricated with God's love and grace.
With lofe as always,
PS - Your daughter's DARE Grad went great. I even have a picture for you.