Niteo Africa: WONDERING?
Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Thursday, March 13, 2008


As my youngest daughter is crying herself to sleep last night it is hard not to wonder why I would be leaving the favorite people in my life to go across the globe to try to make a difference in other children's lives.
I am not even going to try to answer that question now because I know there are all sorts of intelligent, profound, socially responsible, spiritual, whatever kind you want to think of answers, for and against that question.
For now I am just wondering.  Why do we make the choices we make, take the risks, give outside our comfort zones, put ourselves in the position to cry the tears of missing our husbands and children......
My daughter asked, "mom, after you meet the people and see what needs to be done, can you then do it from home?"  Who knows how this works?
We'll see over the next two weeks as I embrace this journey, open my heart and see what conclusions come out of these "wonderings".

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