Niteo Africa: Sanyu Babies’ Home
Niteo Africa | Project Blog

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sanyu Babies’ Home

Sanyu Babies' Home is an orphanage for babies and toddlers under three years' age in Kampala, Uganda. It is Kampala's oldest "baby orphanage" and is home to 44 children.

Niteo volunteers visited Sanyu in 2008 and it was a profoundly moving experience for all.

Niteo and a generous private donor contributed money to fund additional staff at the orphanage. Five young women from King's Daughters, a refuge and rehabilitation centre for at-risk girls in Kampala, have been hired to help care for the babies. The girls will receive funds to enable them to continue their education and in return will work at the orphanage and help the staff. Despite their best intentions, though, many of the volunteers at the orphanage are illiterate people who have never received training in the care and development of very young children.

In 2009, Niteo will provide that training.

The King's Daughters/Sanyu Project (dates T.B.A.) will bring medical and ECE personnel from Canada to Kampala for a two-week intensive training course. Niteo hopes to take psychologists, nurses, speech language pathologists, and more – any discipline whose focus is child development or childcare.

Niteo is currently seeking members of these medical disciplines as well as other interested persons. For more information, see the post immediately after this one.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

oh my gosh, this just makes me want to go so much more, now!